Sunday, December 19, 2010

Here's to You Kid

I can't believe this day has come. Today was my last day to see all of my junior highers at Grace Fellowship. What an amazing year and a half it has been. Whether it was dressing up like a crazy person and going to HEB with all the 8th grade girls and Scott. Or the many Spirit and Splashes on Wendesday night. Or the many Huddle Groups or THRIVE nights where the glass almost always broke on the worship center because of the many dodgeballs that hit the windows. Or the late nights on mission trips listening to girls who are ready to love God with all their soul but they are hurting with every part of them. Or the many prayer altars on Sunday mornings at AM Rush where all the kids surrender their hearts to God. Or the retreats and campout, or the mission trips where you saw these junior highers really think outside of themselves.

I have loved watching them pray, worship, cry, laugh, go crazy off the sugary bagels, and love God in the midst of a hard three years of life.
Here's to you Grace Junior Highers. I love you  all so much.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Christianity is..."

Picked up a great quote at the gym this morning,"Christianity is not a religion but a relationship."-Dr. Thieme.
What an incredible reminder. If you think, and I fall into this trap sometimes as well, that our relationship with God, us being a Christian is only part of who we are, then we are doomed. Jesus is the reason not only for this season but for life. He sent his only son to live a perfect life, reach those who were hurting and broken, to heal diseases, bring life to the full, then die on a cross in the worst way possible only to rise again. He did that all because God wants to be in a relationship with you, with me, with the mormons, with the muslims, with the hindus, all races, all statuses, all people. Jesus died so that all may live.
Now let me say this, its not going to be easy, but what a gift Jesus has left us with, the Holy Spirit, the counselor. Nothing on this earth can ever bring life, feed my soul, than life with Christ.

Francis Chan's book- Crazy Love, was a challenging, convicting read that I believe everyone should pick up and dive into, then his second book-The Forgotten God. But in Crazy Love, he says this, "The irony is that while God doesn't need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don't really want Him most of the time. He treasures us and anticipates our departure from this earth to be with Him-and we wonder, indifferently, how much we have to do for Him to get by."

May we as Christians not make God, reading His word, praying, and seeking His face and relationship with Him be an afterthought after we have done everything else on our to do list. Matthew 6:19-21 says,"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is there your heart will be also."

Treasure doesn't necessarily mean materials though, where is your time, your money your effort going towards. God is waiting and ready to be in relationship with you, grow you, lead you, bring you ultimate joy, reach the nations through your gifts. He doesn't need us, yet he chooses us. 

It's not a religion but a relationship, Christianity, is the only "religion" that is not about rules and laws but a relationship with the most high. Take hold of that today and relish in the fact that you are a child of God, sit in your father's lap and listen.

Monday, December 6, 2010

God's Perfect Gift to Me!

This past weekend Nick and I were able to attend the Familylife Weekend to Remember-a well know marriage conference. Besides the fact that we stayed in the nicest hotel we have ever been in, were unplugged, and indulged once again in amazing food,  the best part of the weekend was that it was with my best friend, my dearest husband!
I don't mean to be proud or come across as a know it all, but most of the things that were taught, we already do in our marriage. This goes to show that we have amazing people who are speaking into our lives, our family, and many resources that we are always reading in order to better be a godly couple. I love that God has placed amazing friends who pursue the Lord in their marriage and on their own. They love us, encourage us, give us great resources, and great biblical truth in order to better our marriage so that I ultimately respect my husband the way God wants me to, and Nick to love me the way God calls him to.
We have been together for over 8 years and it's so cool to see where we were, obsessed with each other, and now following the Lord in everything! We are not perfect by far, but we are very blessed. So here's to you friends who read this, I love and appreciate all that you share with us and encourage us in!
Now for Nick, we spend a lot of time together simply because we don't have kids yet. But, this weekend was an incredible gift. We often come home and watch our favorite show, cook together, or workout together, yet we are not totally here. Whether we are looking at news, facebook, or surfing the internet, we don't give much intentional attention to each other. Technology is great, but when you say no to it and give your husband your eyes, your ears your heart, you show so much respect to him! I learned that I am a little addicted to technology and it was so freeing to relish in the fact that my husband is phenomenal. No email, no job site checks every 10 minutes, no facebook!

I challenge everyone to take a full sabbath even a week of unplugging while at home, devote your whole self to God first and then to your spouse!

Nick you are God's perfect gift for me, thank you for the support, the anger, the hugs, the love, the listening ear. I am my beloved's and he is mine!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A tribute to my fellow youthworkers!

I recently went to the National Youth Workers Convention in Nashville and the Lord showed me many things there. I realized that I have so much to be thankful for, I have been able to work at an incredible church who gets it. They get that we in ministry shouldn't be overworked, that being no more than 40 hours a week if necessary. They get that family comes first, after your relationship with God, comes your family, then ministry. They get that programs are not the way to an intimate relationship with God, but that prayer and seeking the Lord's wisdom in scripture, through His Holy Spirit, and through others speaking on behalf of God, through families, through service, we encounter the Most High King!
Most youthworkers are part time, but work full time hours, most youthworkers have a ministry of 50 kids or less, and most youthworkers are on the edge of burnout. The Lord is so faithful, so constant, so loving, so near. Even when we feel like there is not fruit, even when we feel like we are at our end, God is constant, He sees it all, He is for us.
My prayer for all the youthworkers, serving God and loving teens is this, "Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart."
I truly believe the Lord has given me a heart for youth, a heart for those who are searching for God, who are hurting for something more, who are ready to make a difference in this world. It is a daily choice to delight yourself in the Lord, a daily surrender to God even when all your fears say otherwise. God is a faithful God. Thank you for this season, thank you for your heart.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Oh to Have Faith

My life has been a whirlwind since my last post. On that same day God called me to leave my job in a painful way, in a way I never thought would ever happen. Yet, I knew that the Lord was doing something in my life, something was coming, the calm before the storm. Just when I was out of the desert, here I am back again, being humbled, refined, strengthened, and encouraged. I am searching for a new church home, a new job, a new ministry, all the while saying goodbye to the kids and parents I love for 3 months. The longest goodbye ever, answering questions the best way I can and continuing to say its not the kids. There are days of many tears, and there are days of pure hope and faith. I can honestly say this has been one of the hardest seasons. All the while God has surrounded me with incredible friends, who are always listening, encouraging and speaking truth, even when I know it. I love my husband and friends who are battling around me praying for me.
During this season there has been many scriptures that the Lord has spoke over me through my reading or through my loving friends. First one being Psalm 27: 13-14 "I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD." My dear friend Wendy posted this on my wall a little while after she found out I was leaving. 
Let me tell ya, this is a season of waiting! Waiting for the right church to call, waiting to hear from the doctor, waiting on God to make everything ok again, why must I sit in pain and confusion and silence. Being a Christ-follower is not always easy, that is why many people don't choose to take up the cross. 
Today is one of those days, I am angry that the Lord promises one thing and yet makes you wait in silence, no bites, no phone calls, no emails, just tears, anger, and almost giving up. 
I know in the bottom of my heart that the Lord has gifted me for Youth Ministry, I know at the bottom of my heart, there is a church, there is a ministry full of hungry students and God is preparing me and this church for the right time. But the Lord is always constant, never failing, if I delight myself in Him, he will grant the desires of my heart. My heart is for God, my heart is for teenagers and college students searching for more. My heart is for Jesus and his ministry, my heart is for the Holy Spirit and all his power. My heart is for making God proud and glorified, God would you lead me to a place that is longing for the same. I want the faith of Abraham, all the time. Lord, help me in my unbelief. 
"By faith, when Abraham was called to the place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."Hebrews 11:8. May this be true of me oh God. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Into the Desert

"My soul thirst for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?" Psalm 42:2
This was my soul for the last 5 months. I was so thirsty running to different cisterns that were only half full so never satisfied my deepest longings to be with the almighty lover of my soul, my Lord. Yet, I kept running, running after the weight loss, running after the dieting, running after the self-help books, and constantly looking in the mirror seeing nothing that satisfied, physically or spiritually. I would cry out to God but only half-heartedly not surrendering my everything. 

I was continuing to dry up like a prune, and my marriage was lacking, my job was lacking. Yet, I thought I was ok, I could run on my reserve and God would get me through. I loved my job therefore it wouldn't be an issue. Little did I know that what was prophesied over me in April would come true. 

He would lead me into a desert, full of opposition only for me to be His bride. He would allow attacks from the enemy only to draw me into a closer  and more intimate relationship with Him. 

It hurt, tremendously, I have some bruises, I have some scars, and I had many tears. Yet, I made it through, but not by my power. God is so faithful, he ultimately wants everyone's heart, all of it. 

So here I am, walking out of the desert, with every step taken looking towards God for guidance, not out of my strength which is nothing. I have been listening to Mark Driscoll off and on for a while, he is one of my favorite Pastors, and has a well known church out of Seattle called Mars Hill. I listened to this sermon on Friday, "Redeeming Greatness," and my eyes were opened.

Here is the acronym from the sermon. Man was I humbled and inspired to be Great according to this.

G-Glorify God Alone
R-Reject unhealthy comparisons to others.
E-Enjoy humbly serving the outcasts.
A-Accept your life and do your best
T- Take opportunities to
redeem your ambitions.

Lord, may I be great in your eyes, not in the eyes of this world, I pray that you would guide me in this, I can't do this on my own. Reveal your glory through me and not my glory! 

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chef Nick

So every morning at 5:45 am, my sweet incredible husband gets up and makes this!

Nick dices onion, spinach, and red bell pepper. Then he sautees that while he separates the eggs so we eat egg white omelets. Then voila! This is my breakfast to start off my workout every morning, so sweet!

I know it's silly, but it is little things like making breakfast for me every morning that make me love Nick. He is so giving and loving in many ways, I am so blessed to have him. 

This is to you my dear Chef Nick! Smooch!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Only One Thing Is Needed

I have had a week of a lifetime I feel. I have not felt this full, this loved, this beautiful, and so close to the Lord in a while. The story of Mary and Martha is such a crucial story in my life that God uses so often to draw me back to what is most important in life.

Being in ministry is working for the Lord so most people assume that working for the Lord is very fueling, you are always with God, loving Him, serving Him, and being full by pouring out. Yet, it is probably close to the opposite of that. We see when Jesus comes to the house of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42 that Mary immediately sits at the feet of Jesus as Martha is BUSY doing preparations for Jesus. When Martha asks Jesus to intervene, he looks over and says, "Martha, Martha..., you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

I experienced this first hand last week. I had been slowly moving God down my list of priorities and through hurtful and hard circumstances, God brought me to a place of brokenness and sanctification. I was in the crucible as Jesus said to me, "Caitlyn you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. You have to choose what is better, and it will not be taken away from you." Hearing those words is one thing, until I actually ran after what matters with all that I am.

God is a faithful, steady, loving, merciful, gracious, God who longs to sit with you, commune with you, and speak to you. Yet, in life and in ministry life we often never slow down long enough to say, "Here I am Jesus, my mind, my body, my soul, refine me, use me, speak to me, your servant is listening."

My ministry peeps, remember that your soul and your relationship with God is what matters most. You may think that your "work" your Bible studying for your lessons is really fueling you and that is your quiet time with God. Yet, would you read about your girlfriend or boyfriend in order to get to know them, or would you converse and listen to them? If you feel as though every day you are at work you are digging from your reserve, check yo self, check yo tank, meet with God.

I no longer want to be a Martha: I will no longer check my email before sitting with God, I will no longer study in my quiet time to simply find that scripture for my devotional that night. I will no longer clean my whole house before sitting in my favorite chair with my coffee, journal, and Bible. I refuse to allow excuses to get between me and Jesus.

I believe God moves and speaks through many avenues, here are a few that I have heard from this week.

Only one thing is sit at the feet of Jesus and listen.

Friday, August 20, 2010


If Jesus died to break the chains and give us freedom why do we continue to allow ourselves to live in bondage? Just as Romans 6:17-19 says, "Thank God! Once you were slaves of sin, but now you wholeheartedly obey this teaching we have given you. Now you are free from your slavery to sin, and you have become slaves to righteous living. Because of the weakness of your human nature, I am using the illustration of slavery to help you understand all this. Previously you let yourself be slaves to impurity and lawlessness, which led ever deeper into sin. Now you must give yourselves to be slaves to righteous living so that you will become holy." Now I know this and believe it, but I have been struggling with living it. 

We live in a world, in a community that expects the best in every area of your life, no matter the cost. Girls we live in a world that bombards us with thin, sexy, beautiful, airbrushed women in magazines, movies, music videos, and advertisements. I am one admittedly that has bought into this, and yet with every step I take closer to the ideal woman in America, the farther I walk from God and holiness. 

Vanity is often never addressed when in all reality we struggle with it. I mean how often do I catch myself looking and lingering in the mirror only to continually tear down myself and come out very unsatisfied. This all leading to more hours in the gym and less calories in my day. 

Then there I was, broken, lonely, tired, and hungry! Then there was God, "You are fearfully and wonderfully made!" You are beautiful more than you know, no matter what your pants size, no matter what your body shape, no matter your fat percentage, you are gorgeous and even more beautiful on the inside. Cliche, yes I know, but the truth of the matter is, I will never be good enough in the world's eyes, and I am ok with that.
 I wish more girls heard how beautiful they were, imagine the impact this would have on a girls life if they heard that more from their father and mother than they ever did from their first boyfriend.

I don't want to live any longer in these chains, Jesus already won, why live in the loss. I am a slave to righteousness, running after the things that matter most, Jesus, and storing up my treasures in heaven!