I can't believe this day has come. Today was my last day to see all of my junior highers at Grace Fellowship. What an amazing year and a half it has been. Whether it was dressing up like a crazy person and going to HEB with all the 8th grade girls and Scott. Or the many Spirit and Splashes on Wendesday night. Or the many Huddle Groups or THRIVE nights where the glass almost always broke on the worship center because of the many dodgeballs that hit the windows. Or the late nights on mission trips listening to girls who are ready to love God with all their soul but they are hurting with every part of them. Or the many prayer altars on Sunday mornings at AM Rush where all the kids surrender their hearts to God. Or the retreats and campout, or the mission trips where you saw these junior highers really think outside of themselves.
I have loved watching them pray, worship, cry, laugh, go crazy off the sugary bagels, and love God in the midst of a hard three years of life.
Here's to you Grace Junior Highers. I love you all so much.